Yumpingo’s consultancy services deliver results for Pacific Catch

2 min read
Mar 24, 2025 4:28:44 PM

Yumpingo is well known in the hospitality industry as a supplier of guest feedback surveys, but we also offer insights as a service (IaaS) to the industry.

Matt Holy, our Director of Strategic Projects, has been working with Pacific Catch to identify opportunities to improve steps of service in their operations team.

Matt explained the process for developing a working framework from the guest feedback data that delivers practical actions: “Listening to your guests to understand where you are succeeding vs. your biggest opportunities for improvement is critical to the success of any restaurant group. That being said, looking at this data in isolation only tells part of the story."

"To truly understand the financial impact for each part of the guest experience, it's important to link this to other datasets like sales or labor data. This is exactly what we did with the team at Pacific Catch, allowing them to not only gain visibility on which parts of the customer experience made guests happiest, but what service steps had the highest tangible financial impact for their business."

"Yumpingo is giving our operations teams the clear actionable plans they need to improve performance.” - Steve Kelly, Chief Marketing Officer, Pacific Catch.

"Understanding how each element of the guest experience drives revenue and improves bottom line while improving the guest experience creates a sustainable win-win scenario for the restaurant and its guests”

“The professional consulting service provided by the Yumpingo team delivers what we call ‘Insights as a Service,’ not just traditional SaaS.” said Steve Kelly, Chief Marketing Officer, Pacific Catch.



Steve explained the benefit of working with Yumpingo  and getting guest experience data at a greater scale and detail than other feedback platforms. “But that data only has value if we’re able to identify specific opportunities at store level to improve operational performance and drive sales.”

“By analyzing our data and quantifying how the successful execution of different steps of service impacts sales and NPS, the Yumpingo team is giving our operations teams the clear actionable plans they need to improve performance.”

For example, the survey data showed a high correlation between manager table touches and overall NPS. Some stores were doing this effectively, others less so. “By implementing new consistent minimum targets for table touches, we were able to increase our NPS scores at the underperforming locations,” Steve said.

“The bottom line is that happier customers spend more and visit more frequently, so having objective quantitative data that informs us how to improve guest experience is critical to the success of our company."


If you want to find out more about how our consultancy services can benefit your business, get in touch: yumpingo.com/demo

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