3 tips for customer success

1 min read
Sep 10, 2024 6:22:52 PM

How can you retain guests?

Some of the most effective techniques for engaging and winning long-term customer loyalty are still the traditional ones.

In this short video, Darren Jackson talks about a recent experience he had, while out for dinner and what it taught him about how much some venues still have to learn about customer satisfaction.

Building loyalty takes effort

The insights Darren talks about, aren't a magic wand waved at a problem.  They are solutions so in-built to how our front-of-house teams interact with guests, that it isn't until we stop doing them that we realise how important they are.

When they do go wrong, it's such a jarring experience that most of us decide there and then we aren't returning to that venue. This means it's critical to your success to ensure all your teams are checking in with customers, that kitchen teams know if their food is delivering your brand promise (or worse, degrading it)  and that you're getting feedback that helps improve your offerings.


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