
How capturing guest sentiment creates growth in the restaurant business | Yumpingo

Written by Mark R. Hancock | Jan 30, 2023 3:58:32 AM

Carl Orsbourn, Chief Operating Officer at Juicer has published a new book, Delivering the Digital Restaurant, that takes a deep dive into the world of “off-premise food and the massive disruption facing American restaurants through first-hand accounts of restaurateurs, food industry veterans and start up entrepreneurs.”

To help launch the book, Carl arranged a webinar panel and invited the leading lights of hospitality tech including Yumpingo’s CEO, George Wetz, Zack Oates from Ovation, David Cantu from Black Box Intelligence™, and Lauren Fernandez from Full Course to discuss guest sentiment.



During a broad ranging discussion that showed there are approaches to suit different customer needs in hospitality tech, George shared the insights that come from having a product that not only captures guest sentiment but delivers actionable insights.

We [at Yumpingo] really focus on two core things, working with restaurants. The first is helping them develop killer value propositions. That’s their menu, their service operations standards, so they’ve got a really good product market fit, essentially. And then the second is all around […] delivering on that, executing on it every single day, every location.

 “The reason why that’s so important is because people have this expectation about the restaurant when they go in. And if you don’t meet that, it causes churn in the customer base, basically. So, we give restaurants the tools to effectively manage their teams, improving the experience and reducing that churn.”

Later on in the webinar, George also talked about sifting through data to unpack specific insights for operatives brands with multiple venues and how this umbrella approach to delivering on the restaurant’s brand promise leads to fewer unhappy guests. Which is, ultimately, the goal of any guest sentiment tool.

”And the impact of that is that, ultimately, way fewer guests have a bad experience. […] we are typically seeing between 25 and up to 40% reduction in customer churn because of execution issues going down.”

One thing everyone agreed on is how complex an ecosystem a restaurant is and how critical capturing guest sentiment is to the future growth of the whole sector. The conversation also covered how to get feedback from customers and the importance of managing cultural changes in staff expectations, to encourage them to ask for feedback from all guests, not just the happy ones.

As George said, “If you only have a few data points over the course of many, many months, wow, you’ve got a very low fidelity view of what’s really going on in your restaurants.”

The full webinar is now available and if you’d like to order a copy of Carl’s book you can get one from his website.

If you’d like to discover how Yumpingo can drive up revenue and increase the number of happy guests visiting your restaurant, book a demo today.